
lost in the long bright dark

deleted scenes about Rust and Laurie

这段Rust和Laurie的删减场景前面有阿维的听译 °Lines from TD deleted scene ,前天请汤上的坑友aluminiumash帮忙搞了个文字版,有些细节部分终于搞清楚了。


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[deleted scenes of Rust and Laurie]

R: We discussed this.

L: We don't have to decide now, it's just a subject. 

R: Yeah. As just a subject it's one that I've closed off to myself.

****R stands up and goes to the kitchen****

L: Maybe I know how you feel because of what happended I do.

R: It's not that.

L: Of course it is.

R: No.

L: No matter what you say and I'm saying that there might be a kind of healing in this for you.

R: There's nothing to heal. It's a philosophical decision.

L: That's shit. If you're gonna live being so honest without illusions you said then you can't be serious. If you really think the reason you you don't wanna have kids is philosophical you are a blind man describing an elephant. 

R: It's wrong and that's how I feel.

L: You're scared hmm. Is it… you don't… with me? You don't love me that way?

R: No Lori, ist not about you. I wouldn't have children with anyone. 

***** long break in silence *****

L: You've got such good eyes for details, Rust. The scenes and everything, all the cracks but you miss a shit ton of what's obvious. 

R: No (Now), what did I miss?

L: How did you think this would sit with me? You heard me talk about it. Do you think I would just be content to erase any hopes for that area of my life for being a mother?

R: No, I can't say I ever expected you to do that.

L: Are you just… I don't know, you're mostly good and just a coward or if you're an asshole who's a little smarter than most.

R: Well, I hate to make that call. 

***** Lori leaves *****

R: I'm sorry, Lori.

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